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Pacing with a Heart Rate Monitor pilot study - Recruiting now!

We’re thrilled to announce that a new pilot study is now recruiting: "A pilot study to identify the feasibility for a definitive study that will investigate the effectiveness of pacing with a heart rate monitor for people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and long COVID."

There is growing anecdotal evidence that pacing with a heart rate monitor is being utilised as a management strategy for people with ME and Long COVID. However, there is a lack of formal studies in this area.

This pilot will determine the feasibility of conducting a definitive study to investigate the effectiveness of pacing with a heart rate monitor for people with ME and Long COVID.

To be eligible for this pilot you will need to:

- live in Manchester, Liverpool or Cheshire areas (United Kingdom)

- fit the ICC criteria for ME or have Long COVID with Post Exertional Malaise

- never have tried heart rate monitoring for pacing

To find out more about the study and what would be involved, you can access the participant information sheet by clicking below. If you want to take part, you need to read the participant information sheet first and then follow the instructions on the sheet about who to contact.

HR Monitor Pilot Participant Information Sheet
Download PDF • 207KB

The pilot is being run by Physios for ME, The University of Liverpool, the Facebook group “ME/CFS – Pacing with a Heart rate monitor #2”, Professor Todd Davenport, the Stockport ME support group and Harry Leeming, the CEO of Visible, who are aiming to build the first activity tracking platform designed specifically for people with chronic illness.

Physios for ME are excited to be involved in another project about heart rate monitoring, following on from our survey last year about people’s experiences of pacing with a heart rate monitor. Just like the survey, this new pilot was initiated by people with ME and Long COVID, who we supported to get their ideas off the ground and with the running of the study. We’re keen to support research, so do get in touch with us if you have a research idea of your own.

Thanks to the ME Association, the Stockport ME support group, Visible and the University of Liverpool for providing the funding for this study.

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