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COVID-19: Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome, Long COVID &
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Our mission is to educate and inform physiotherapists regarding ME, and to support and advocate for people with ME. 


However, we could not ignore the potential parallels with people recovering from COVID-19 and the importance of spreading the message about appropriate management of people suffering with Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome, using the knowledge and understanding we had developed from our work with ME. 


In September 2020 we wrote this blog post reflecting on COVID-19 and its impact on our work.


In April 2021 we presented this poster at World Physiotherapy Congress to highlight the work we have done in education about Long COVID 


Also in April 2021 our fantastic co-founder Natalie Hilliard presented "What we have learnt so far" which can be viewed here


We are proud to be a member of the Long Covid Alliance.


The resources below are designed to help physiotherapists understand the complications of the Post Viral Fatigue elements of Long COVID, how to identify patients who may be developing these complications and how to appropriately manage them. We hope physiotherapists can then apply this knowledge to gain a wider understanding of ME.


Covid 19 is new and we are learning every day. We welcome contact from physiotherapists and people recovering from COVID-19, or diagnosed with PVFS as part of Long COVID, so that we can continue to learn from your experiences.

post viral fatigue syndrome
in long covid

What is PVFS / Long Covid

How to Assess and Identify 


Read more >



Where can i find out more?

Long Covid Presentation: a 90  minute presentation with Physios for ME and other Long Covid experienced physiotherapists


"When Exercise isn't Indicated but Rehab is" - a 30 minute presentation from Physios for ME


Long Covid Alliance
a network of patient-advocates, scientists, disease experts, and drug developers 


Long COVID Physio - a peer support and advocacy group for physiotherapists living with Long Covid




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Physios for ME

© 2020 by Physios for ME

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The information provided on this website is meant to inform and signpost helpful resources. Any treatment for a person with ME should always be individualised, monitored and regularly evaluated


We do not provide clinical services, individual medical advice, or recommendations for private therapists



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