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Pieces we have written or contributed to in print (not including published journal articles, which are detailed on our research page.)


An overview of how Physios for ME formed and our work to date


Written by N Clague-Baker


In Touch magazine

(Via Physio First, aimed at physiotherapists in private practice)


"Identifying and treating Long Covid in private practice" 


Written by K Leslie, featuring information on how to identify post viral fatigue syndrome, post exertional malaise and ME, alongside interviews with private practitioners who had changed their practice from exercise therapy to adopting energy management techniques such as heart rate monitoring, and breathing pattern disorder specialists


Frontline magazine

(the magazine of The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, delivered to all chartered physiotherapists in the UK)


"Post Viral Fatigue in Covid-19"


Written by Physios for ME. We discussed the potential for post viral fatigue syndrome following Covid-19 infection, how to identify the signs including post exertional malaise, background on ME and precautions regarding exercise, and management techniques for an acute post-viral patient 

Leicester Mercury

Included in print and their online version

"Patients may have higher risk of developing ME after coronavirus diagnosis, warns University of Leicester"


Based on a University of Leicester blog post by N Clague-Baker and Physios for ME, raising awareness of potential new cases of ME caused by the viral pandemic  

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Physios for ME

© 2020 by Physios for ME

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The information provided on this website is meant to inform and signpost helpful resources. Any treatment for a person with ME should always be individualised, monitored and regularly evaluated


We do not provide clinical services, individual medical advice, or recommendations for private therapists



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